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Donner Kebab

Donner Kebab seasoned and cooked on a spit


Chicken Kebab

Marinated skinless, boneless chicken breast on a bed of cooked fresh peppers, tomatoes, onions and herbs


Chicken Tikka Kebab

Tikka spiced chicken kebab on a bed of cooked fresh peppers, tomatoes, onions and herbs


Chicken Tandoori Kebab

Tandoori spiced chicken kebab on a bed of cooked fresh peppers, tomatoes, onions and herbs.


Kofteh Kebab

Kofteh kebab on a bed of cooked fresh peppers, tomatoes, onions and herbs


Mixed Kebab

Chicken, Donner and Kofteh kebab on a bed of fresh peppers, tomatoes, onions and herbs.


Piccolo Kebab Special

Choice of 12" Garlic bread or 12" Garlic Bread with Cheese topped with Donner kebab (no pitta bread)


Piccolo Chicken Special

Chicken, Tikka and Tandoori Chicken on a bed of cooked fresh peppers, tomatoes, onions and herbs. Served on a choice of 12" Garlic bread or 12" Garlic Bread with Cheese (no pitta bread)


Chicken and Donner Mix

Chicken served with Donner Kebab on a bed of cooked fresh peppers, tomatoes, onions and herbs.


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Piccolo Food House
10 Denmark Centre
South Shields
NE33 2LR

Tel: 0191 4545 444
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Delivery Areas

NE33, NE34

Delivery from £2.50